17 August 2009
Cyber Security Legal Aspects
Training Day Details
Training objectives
“Legal Aspects of Cyber Defence” is a one-day seminar held prior to the “Cyber Conflict Legal & Policy Conference” in order to offer a compact introduction to issues such as cyber incidents, cyber crime and cyber warfare. The training aims to complement the debate on a multidisciplinary approach to cyber conflict management by proposing lectures of international professionals addressing various fundamental interrelated legal aspects of cyber security and cyber defence. The lectures and following discussions serve as both an informative presentation of the growingly complex legal issues of cyber defence for independent audience and a perfect kick-off for the conference attendees.
Training audience
The training program is designed to precede the Cyber Conflict Legal & Policy Conference and thus targeted to professionals interested in IT law, cyber security and cyber defence. The training is also open to independent audience not taking part of the conference.
8th September 2009
08:40 Arrival at Headquarters and Signal Battalion, Filtri Rd 12, Tallinn
09:00 Lecture 1 – Frameworks for International Cyber Security (Eneken Tikk, CCD COE)
09:45 Lecture 2 – Cyber Law in the US (Dan Ryan)
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Lecture 3 – EU Information Society Legal framework (Eneken Tikk, CCD COE)
11:45 Lecture 4 – Criminal Law and International Criminal Cooperation (Markko Künnapu, Estonian Ministry of Justice)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Lecture 5 – Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Law (Maeve Dion)
14:15 Lecture 6 – Cyber Attacks and Law of Armed Conflict (Thomas C Wingfield)
15:15 Discussion and summary
The training takes place on the premises of the Headquarters and Signal Battalion, the Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, Filtri Rd 12, Tallinn. The participants are kindly asked to gather at the security gates at 08:40. Please take along a valid ID. For registration and information, please contact Ms Anna-Maria Talihärm (anna-maria.taliharm@mil.ee) and provide your ID number and the country you are representing.
Agenda & Speakers
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
9.00-15.30 Cyber Security Legal Aspects Training Day (not part of the Conference Program, accessible to Conference participants upon request) Details of the training can be downloaded from here

Bus leaves from Swissotel at 8.30
18.45 Assembly in Swissotel Lobby
19.00 Conference Ice-Breaker at Restaurant Vertigo
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
8.00 Registration and Good Morning Coffee
9.00 Session Zero: Setting the Stage
Welcoming Remarks by Col Ilmar Tamm (CCD COE)
9.10 Keynote Address by H.E. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia
9.40 Group Photo
10.00 Keynote Address by MGen Glynne Hines, Director NATO HQC3S
10.20 Frameworks for International Cyber Security: Underlying Concepts for the Conference, by Ms. Eneken Tikk, CCD COE
10.45 Coffee Break
11.15 Session 1: Country Reports on Cyber Security Strategy
Moderator: Mr. Kenneth Geers, Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
Estonian Cyber Security Strategy after Lessons from 2007
By Ms. Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, Ministry of Defense
Sweden’s Approach to National Cyber Security
By Mr. Per Oscarson, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
Cyber Security Strategy of the United Kingdom
By Wg CDR Adrian Frost, UK MOD
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Session 2: Autopsy of a Cyber Conflict
Moderator: Ms. Maeve L. Dion, George Mason University Center for Infrastructure Protection
Lawyer’s Look at a Cyber Incident
By Prof. Daniel Ryan, USA, National Defense University, Information Resources Management Center
Cyber Conflict in Bits and Bytes
By Dr. Bret Michael, USA, Naval Postgraduate School
Industrial Control Systems Perspective
By Mr. Joe Weiss, USA, Industry Expert on Control Systems
16.00 Day 1 agenda closes
16.30 Visit to CCD COE (upon request), bus leaves from Swissotel at 16.20
19.00 Conference Dinner at Teachers’ House, buses leave from Swissotel at 18.45; buses back at 21.30 and 22.30.
Speech by Mr. Jaak Aaviksoo, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia
Thursday, September 10, 2009
8.15 Good Morning Coffee
9.00 Session 3: Cyber Security Institutionalized – Pieces of an Effective Defence Model
International Organizations’ Legal and Policy Approaches to Cyber Incidentby Ms. Eneken Tikk, Estonia, CCD COE
10.00 ICANN’s Developments in the Field of International Cyber Security
By Ms. Yurie Ito, Japan, Director of Global Security Programs for ICANN
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Public-Private Partnerships and National Input to International Cyber Security
By Ms. Maeve Dion, USA, GMU CIP
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Session 4: Breakout
16.00 Day 2 agenda closes
17.00 City Tour Group 1
18.15 City Tour Group 2
Friday, September 11, 2009
8.15 Good Morning Coffee
9.00 Conclusions from Breakout Sessions
10.00 Session 5: Enhanced Frameworks for International Cyber Security
Moderator: Prof. Thomas C. Wingfield, US Army Command and General Staff
Law of Armed Conflict / Military Perspective
By Prof. Derek Jinks, USA, Charles H. Stockton Chair of International Law U.S. Naval War College
Law Enforcement Perspective
By Dr. Thomas Ramsauer, Germany, Federal Ministry of Interior
National Defence Law / Government’s Perspective
By Mr. Lauri Almann, Estonia, Aare Raig Attorneys-at-Law
Information Society Law / User Perspective
By Prof. Lilian Edwards, UK, University of Sheffield
11.45 Observers’ Comments and Conclusions
Moderator: Prof. Julie Ryan, USA, George Washington University
Mr. John Bumgarner, USA, Research Director for Security Technology, U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit
Mr. Jason Healey, USA, Cyber Conflict Studies Association
Mr. Andy Crocker, UK, AGC Solutions LTD
12.45 Closing Remarks by Col Ilmar Tamm
13.00 Conference closes
14.00 Conference Ending Lunch at Restaurant “Pärl”, bus leaves from Swissotel at 13.45
10 September 2009 Video of the Presidents keynote address avaliable
10 September 2009 Photo of the Conference
09 September 2009 President of Estonia opened International Cyber Conflict Legal and Policy Conference
28 August 2009 Conference Registration Finished
17 August 2009 Cyber Security Legal Aspects Training Day Details published
A: Filtri tee 12, 10132 Tallinn, Estonia T: +372 717 6800 F: +372 717 6308 E: ccdcoe_at_ccdcoe.org